I.Symmetries , invariance  and preservation laws

-The principle of the symmetry
-Elements of the Group theory : Lie group , group algebra , irreducible representations
   Kasimir operators
-Spatial and internal symmetries , global and local symmetries . Puancare group , SU (N ) .
-Neoter theorem and dynamical invariants . Examples - scalar and spinor fields.

II.Quark-parton model

-Lepton-nucleon scattering
    -Elastic  scattering , form factors .
    -deep - inelastic scattering , structure functions .
    -parton model , scaling
-Quark model
    -SU ( 3 ) - classification of hadrons , quarks .
    -Gel - Man -Nishijima relation
    -c , b , t - quarks
    -quantum number colour , colourless of hadrons , confinement .
    -experimental hints about the existence of the colour : pi-0 --> gamma gamma decay  ,
       e+e- - annihilation , hadron jets
-Fundamental particles
    -leptons and quarks  , quantum number , families .

III.Interactions of fundamental particles
-Basic types of interactions
    -local gauge invariance , electromagnetic field .
    -non abelian gauge invariance , gauge bosons .
-S - matrix , definition , physical sense
-expansion of the S - matrix in terms of the interaction constant . Graphical  representation -
  Fayman diagrams

IV.Strong interactions
Quantum Chromodynamics
-SU(3) - local invariability , gluons.
    -"running" coupling constant of the interaction , asymptotic freedom
    -deep -inelastic  scattering , structure functions , scaling violation .
    -chiral symmetry
    -quark mass

V.Electroweak interaction
-Characteristics of the weak interaction
    -leptons and quark currents
    -CP - violation , CPT - theorem , CP non invariant effects in K - meson decays
-Unification of the electromagnetic and weak interactions.
    -Spontaneous symmetry breaking . Higs mechanism
    -Weinberg - Gleshow - Salam model
    -W- and Z -bosons , Higs - boson .
    -Genesis of mass for leptons and bosons
    -Quark mixing , Kobayashi - Maskava - matrix
-Characteristics of the gauge bosons
-Characteristics of the Higs boson
-Neutrino oscillations

VI.Experimental proving  of the Standard model
-Accelerators and experimental setups
    -e+e-factories : tau- , B- , Z- factories .
    -p p , p p-bar  and e p colliders
    -accelerative -accumulative complex at CERN , LEP .
    -basic detector setups at LEP , Tevatron and HERA .
-Experimental results obtained  by LEP .
    -number of families , W and Z - mass , Weinberg-angle , parameters of the Kobayashi -
      Maskava matrix
-Observation of the t-quark
-Deep inelastic scattering of leptons on protons
    -structure functions , scattering at large Q-squared
-B-physics , B-meson oscillations.

VII.Great unification
-Running coupling constant .
-Standard model .
-Expansions of the standard model
    -SU ( 5 ) - and SU ( 10 ) models
    -proton decay
    -mass hierarchy

-Basic of the supersymmetry
    -unification of spatial and internal symmetries
    -superalgebra and irreducible representations , supermultiplets .
    -superspace and superfields .
    -localization of the spatial symmetry , gravity .
    -N = 1 supergraviy
    -Extended supergravity
-Minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model

IX.The LHC setup
    -physical programme
    -detector complexes

X.Expanding universe

The programme of the course is planned for 60 hours.